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About OdorMD

Best Odor Removal is a proud member of the OdorMD network.  Across the country, OdorMD certified professionals are trained to deliver a superior service with a high level of concern for the health of the building and the people who live, work, or visit the facilities.

DID YOU KNOW that most sanitizing product you are buying are almost useless?  The reason is misapplication, but the manufacture makes money by promising 99.9999% know that the process is short sighted.

OdorMD is professionally delivered by technicians who understand the other issues that produce superior results and literally impact the health of the people in the building.  

Instead of struggling as  a lone company in your city, there is a big difference when customers know that your service is part of a national network.

Oxidation OzoneTHE SECRET of our success is not merely cleaning and product.  We actually fight the problem at the molecular level.  This is an amazing and effective process.

Bacteria and germs are microbes, and our process uses natural science to destroy all types of pathogens without harsh chemicals.

We destroy odors at the microscopic level as well.  Once our process is put in place, the odors are neutralized at the source.  No need for masking sprays.  

Our process also reduces the toxic bioload of the building.  Years of cleaning chemicals, polished, solvents, pesticides, and toxic pollution will make any building a place that punishes your health day after day.

Is the Workplace or Home the Problem

We often encounter IAQ problems beyond odors and infectious disease.  About 70% of Americans suffer from allergies, asthma, weak immune systems, sensitivities, or are more vulnerable due to chronic illness.  We are always pleased to hear from our customers that they found relief, slept better, or had reduced health problems after we treated the building.

if anyone in your home, office, or workplace suffer from building related sensitivities, our process is proven to reduce the triggers that aggravate less tolerant persons.  While eliminating ambient odors, sanitizing, and neutralizing allergens; our treatment reduces VOCs or toxins that have polluted the building after years pesticides, chemical cleaning products, solvents, fragrances, and synthetic fragrances.


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